Research Pipeline
Hello, this is Grace and her research team. We are dedicated to exploring the managerial nature of the following areas and, trying to refine the trending and current social phenomena into interesting theoretical insights. Please join us if you like :).
Human Resource Management
Sustainable HRM (Strategic HRM for sustainability, HRM system to foster business sustainability)
Minority employee and Common good HRM
Employee Creativity in the Sustainability Field
Quiet Quitting
Digital nomad & employee creativity
Social Innovation & Social Enterprise
Growth barrier & Capacity in social enterprise
Cross-sectoral social partnership & Knowledge transfer
Hybridity & conflict management in social enterprise
Organizational transition of NPOs
Comparison of Food loss ecosystem in Taiwan, German & Japan
Circular economy and Net zero practice
Meaningfulness of Social Entrepreneurs
LGBTQ+ Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Art, Craft, Comic & Creativity
Conflicts between art & business in Comic arts
The crafty nature of Japanese Knives & Kimono
The trajectory of comic development in Taiwan
Employee creativity in Social Enterprise
Comic artist and meaningfulness
Sustainability business model in social enterprise